Acre Meter

Keep track of how many acres you roll by having an acre meter installed over one of the side bearings.
Paint Color

With any custom Summers equipment order, choose between green or red, whichever best fits your farming operation.
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Land rollers can be used for managing rocks, increasing seed-to-soil contact or breaking down residue. Hydraulic folding models allow convenient folding and unfolding of the sections from the tractor cab.
Coil Packer
This tool uses coils to firm the soil and provide light tillage action. It leaves a herringbone pattern on the soil surface to reduce erosion concerns.
Rock Picker
Have rocks in your fields? A continuous rock picker is the easiest way to remove them completely.
Rolling Chopper
The hydraulic folding Rolling Chopper can be used by itself as a residue management tool, or it can trail behind other tillage equipment to achieve better residue sizing and more complete incorporation.