Vibra™ S-tines

For maximum residue flow the Vibra S-tines are spaced 5 inches apart, with 16-inch spacing between ranks. A hydraulic adjustment feature allows the operator to control working depth. The S-tines can also be completely rotated out of the soil for harrow-only operation. Extended S-tines are centered behind the wheels to cover tracks.
Five-Bar Harrow

Featuring a 3/8" x 14" bent tooth design, the five-bar culti-harrow is designed to break up even the smallest dirt clumps. It levels and firms the soil profile behind the Vibra S-tines, resulting in the ideal seedbed.
Heavy Duty Drawbar

Our 8-by-8-inch drawbar tube is bigger and stronger than anything else available. It provides maximum strength for pulling the unit.
Auto Fold

The Superweeder’s 22-foot hitch is constructed of 4-inch-by-8-inch steel tubing and has a cable auto-folding design. The cables can be hydraulically released or locked from the tractor seat. A safety spring and manual valve are also included to prevent accidental release in the case of hydraulic pressure failure.
Split Hinged Wing

50- to 70-foot Superweeder models are available with split hinged wings.
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